Category: Siebel OpenUI

Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Config Issues Part 3

Issue#3 Siebel Gateway Configuration failed with error SBL-GEN-05009 Environment: OS:Windows Server 2012 R2 Siebel Version: 16 Issue: Siebel Gateway Name Server Configuration failed with error. Please see the files for details. Gateways name server windows services not created properly after this error. Cause: Installation User don’t have full admin rights to create windows services. Solution: We need to deactivate UAC (User Account…

Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Config Issues Part 1

Issue#1 Siebel Gateway Configuration failed with error SBL-GEN-05009 Environment: OS:Solaris Sparc 11 Siebel Version: 16 Issue: Siebel Gateway Name Server Configuration failed with error. Please see the files for details. Siebel.log 2021 2016-06-01 17:29:49 2016-06-01 17:29:49 +0300 0000000f 001 003f 0001 09 siebel 26438 1 /u01/SBA_81/gtwysrvr/log/siebel.log [23057] ENU NameServerLayerLog Info 3 00000002574e6746:0 2016-06-01 17:29:49 1: CSSNSClient::CSSNSClient() successfully initialized, m_bNewLocking: True NameServerLayerLog…

Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 3

  Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 1 Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 2   Step 6: Configuring Siebel Server Navigate to $SIEBSRVR_ROOT folder /u01/SBA_81/siebsrvr Source . ./ File in order to continue the configuration Navigate to $SIEBEL_ROOT/config folder Run ./ –mode siebsrvr [su_slider source=”media: 1121,1122,1123,1124,1125,1126,1127,1128,1129″ link=”lightbox” target=”blank” width=”1220″ height=”600″ autoplay=”0″]   Step 7: Installing…

Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 2

  Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 1 Step 5: Siebel Database Installation To install Siebel database, we need to follow some prerequisites. Oracle client needs to be installed on that machine on which siebel server is going to be installed. Once client is installed, TNS entry need to be added in proper path After adding TNS entry,…

Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 1

We are going to setup a Siebel server Solaris box with below configurations, OS:Solaris Sparc 11 Oracle Database Server : 11.2.0 Oracle Database Client: 12c Siebel: Innovation Pack 16 Webserver: Iplanet Webserver 7 Download all required softwares, create image and start installation. In this post, I will cover only Siebel installation assuming that image created successfully and non-siebel softwares installed…

Innovation Pack 2016: Key Features and Overview

Recently, Oracle has been published Siebel CRM IP2016 Statement of Direction, and can be found on MyOracle Support. With the new release Oracle continuing to enhance the Siebel application mobile and industry solutions and also focusing on CX and Cloud integrations. Its really a good news for Siebel that Oracle is continuing to keep a solid pace on innovations for…

How to use Plug-in Wrapper: Siebel Innovation Pack 2014

Why Plug-in Wrapper ? A plug-in wrapper is a complete and independent manager of an applet control and its life-cycle. It is entirely responsible for all actions of a control. Suppose we want to change checkboxes to flip-switches across application OR change textarea to popup colorbox textarea OR change drop-down combo-boxes to a silder. Then we can achieve by using…

Siebel Innovation Pack 2014: About Event Helper Class

The Event Helper Class uses the Event Helper Object to facilitate Event Binding in the Physical Renderer or Plug-in Wrapper. Event helper used to achieve uniformity across different devices, a single event binding will work for all devices. To retrieve the event helper: var evtHelper = this.Helper(“EventHelper” ); Manage is the singular API exposed by the Event Helper Class for…

Siebel Innovation Pack 2015: Is there any thing New this time ??

Each time when we heard about any new patch available or another Innovation Pack launched by Oracle, this question comes in our mind…It really took long to understand starategy of Oracle for Siebel but now its clear and now we can see Siebel in a very good position again. Thanks to Alex and Siebelhub for keeping us updated and a…

Siebel Open UI Keyboard Shortcuts not working in Mozilla Firefox

While upgrading Siebel HI to Open UI, we are getting a lot irritating issues. On Oracle Support only you can find that its a product bug with no solution proposed. But our Clients never satisfied with this stupid answer…then what ??? In Mozilla, keyboard shortcuts are not working as expected. Lets discuss it one by one.. BUG#1: Ctrl + S…