Innovation Pack 2017: Transitioning to Agile Development with Siebel CRM

Recently, Oracle has been published Siebel CRM IP2017 Statement of Direction, and can be found  here… With the new release Oracle is continuing to enhance the Siebel application mobile and industry solutions and also focusing on CX and Cloud integrations. This release is special because there is something for everyone – Developers, Managers, Business Users and Business. This time we will find…

Steps to Extract Local Database in Siebel & Common Issues

Encountered many issues while working on Local Database Extract on Unix environment, with this post I want to share all issues and its solution as well. Steps for DB Extract in Unix Environment: Step 1.  Create User -> Employee with required fields(Position & Responsibilities) Step 2. Register user in Siebel Remote->Mobile client Step 3. Open Command  Prompt and connect to server manager…

Siebel OpenUI Enhancement: Recent Record Plugin

Its a common question asked these days.. Can Siebel OpenUI save Siebel from dying..? Well, only Innovation can save SIEBEL. And Siebel OpenUI is the tool with which we can innovate our applications and be in this dynamic world. Good news is few good people from Siebel, are doing very good stuffs with OpenUI. You need not to trust me,…

How to configure to display Recent Records in Siebel CRM

Requirement: Configure Recent Records on Screen Home Page View Solution: The Recent Records area on a screen home page view displays a list of the last five records in the current screen that the user created, modified, or accessed. This task is a step in Process of Creating a Screen Home Page View. NOTE:  Recent Records only works with business components that…

How to open BI Publisher reports inside Siebel using Symbolic Urls

Requirement: Open BI Publisher reports inside Siebel applets. [su_slider source=”media: 1249,1247″ link=”lightbox” target=”blank” width=”1420″ height=”700″ autoplay=”0″] Solution: We can achieve this using Symbolic URLs in Siebel. We have to follow below steps: Add host entry in Host Administration Configure Symbolic URL Host entry in Host Administration –    Navigate to the Administration – Integration screen, then the Host Administration view.…

How to get count of all concurrent logged in Users in Siebel ?

If you want to know all agents connected to Siebel database, just run select count(*) from v$session where username not in (‘SADMIN, any other system login ids) and program = ‘siebel.exe’   And to get the list of active users in a specific timeline, The column LAST_LOGIN_TS on the table S_USER shows the last time a user logged into the…

Troubleshooting Open Cursor Issues

Troubleshooting Open Cursor Issues Similar to any application that uses Oracle Database as backend repository, Oracle Identity Manager runs several SQL statements. For every SQL statement execution in Oracle Database, certain area in the memory is allocated. Oracle PL/SQL allows you to name this area. This private SQL area is called context area or cursor. These cursors take up space…

Siebel Interview Questions: Basic User Property Questions

These are very basic questions which you must encounter some day. So, be prepared.. How to make records read only based on Users’ Responsibility ??   Create a Calculated Field with following details: Name: Val Calculated Value: IIf(InList(“Junior Sales Representatives”,GetProfileAttrAsList(“User Responsibilities”))). Inlist functions returns Y or N based on the condition evaluated in the expression. Add the above calc field to…