Category: Siebel Administration

Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 2

  Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 1 Step 5: Siebel Database Installation To install Siebel database, we need to follow some prerequisites. Oracle client needs to be installed on that machine on which siebel server is going to be installed. Once client is installed, TNS entry need to be added in proper path After adding TNS entry,…

Siebel IP2016 – Siebel Enterprise Server Installation Part 1

We are going to setup a Siebel server Solaris box with below configurations, OS:Solaris Sparc 11 Oracle Database Server : 11.2.0 Oracle Database Client: 12c Siebel: Innovation Pack 16 Webserver: Iplanet Webserver 7 Download all required softwares, create image and start installation. In this post, I will cover only Siebel installation assuming that image created successfully and non-siebel softwares installed…

Export Siebel schema from database server using command line

While migration, we usually requires to export the Siebel data base dump from one environment and import the same into another environment. of course, we are talking about Oracle database. Well Siebel never allowed such DB level interaction, so we have to do it using Oracle export/import utility (i.e. imp/exp or data pump utility).If you wanna go further on this,…

Siebel Application Deployment Manager Limitations

ADM Limitation Issue: The following error displays when exporting a file with more than 10,000 records for ADM: Method ‘NextRecord’ of business component ‘Feature Access’ (integration component ‘Feature Access’) returned the following error: “There were more rows than could be returned. Please refine your query to bring back fewer rows (SBL-DAT-00500) (SBL-EAI-04376) Solution Specify a search specification (filter) such as…

Siebel Gateway SIEBNS.DAT file gets CORRUPTED

SIEBNS.DAT file stores all parameters of servers, enterprise, components and others, configured at the time of installation or later. When we change some parameters in the Siebel Server Administration and restart Enterprise or Siebel Server, the siebns.dat file gets corrupt and therefore, Siebel Server won’t start any more. That behaviour happens often, but not always. There can be many possible…

SBL-SVR-00029: Internal Shared memory has not been initialized.

This is the most generic error encounters, there can be different causes for this but below one fix mine issue. Found this on community but wanted to share, it really save my day. Siebel Server Error:   SBL-SVR-00029: Internal Shared memory has not been initialized. SYMPTOMS Siebel Server failed to start. No new enterprise log was created Siebel Server log…

Siebel Server Error: Executing hangs unix shell session

While administrating Siebel Servers, you must have been through many different errors. This one is one of them, might help you in first place. Behavior While bouncing Siebel server, when we execute file it hangs out unix shell session. Issue Well you can’t start/stop your server as environment not set yet. It left you clueless. Cause Execute file…

How to unlock Siebel Project or other Repository Objects on local using DB

Usually I am facing this problem while locking any object in my local tools, it says that this object/ project is already locked by some other user. I bet that everyone faces this issue. While getting DB extract these projects/objects extracted in  locked state only. So, I don’t know any full proof solution for this. But we always have a…