Category: Siebel Upgrade Issue

Siebel OpenUI: Hiding a Column in List Applet

It seems to be pretty simple and may be stupid  requirement but its a possiblity that you need to expose some Field on applet web layout and in same time you don’t want it to be visible. Well in OpenUI enhancements, we can access only those fields in PM/PR which are mapped in web layout of applet or you can…

What is Siebel Open UI ?? :: A Case Study

Guys this is my first case study, so please correct me If I am wrong some where. I tried my best to be diplomatic, please have your suggestions/views below in comments.. What is Siebel Open UI ? Siebel Open UI is nothing but another upgrade of Siebel. It comes in Siebel upgrade and currently Siebel version have been…

Siebel Upgrade Issues Part – 4

[su_note note_color=”#cacab7″]File could not be created as the directory specified for the file creation is not valid.(SBL-EAI-50228)[/su_note] [su_spacer size=”50″] Issue/Error:   SBL-EAI-50228.  Root Cause:    Siebel Upgrade Effort/Impact:   Very High Resolution: To resolve the issue, you need to alter or add this parameter: EAIFileTransportFolders = <folder where the xml file will be generated>. Local: Add below line in cfg file under this section [EAIFileTransportConfigSubsys]  EAIFileTransportFolders…

Siebel Upgrade Issues Part – 3

AddRecord method not Working in Siebel Issue/Error:   AddRecord  doesn’t work in Server side script.  Root Cause:    Siebel Upgrade Effort/Impact:   Very High Resolution:                We need to replace AddRecord with AddRecords as method name has been changed in upgrade. Anyone could face this issue in any applet with scripts. In our case,when user select invoices from…

Siebel Upgrade Issues Part – 2

SetProfileAttr not Working in Siebel Possibly Oracle disable as a security fix. It can be enable but its not recommended while it could be requisite for any existing project. Issue/Error:   SetProfileAttrib  doesn’t work in Browser side script.  Root Cause:    Siebel Upgrade Effort/Impact:   High Resolution:                 SetProfileAttr() access can be turned on by setting…

Siebel Upgrade Issues Part – 1

Guys i am starting a series of Siebel Upgrade Issues which are commonly faced by users who started with this upgrade.Lets start with the first one…. Issue/Error:  Checkbox in form applet not showing as checked. Root Cause: Siebel Upgrade. Effort/Impact:  High Resolution: 1.     Stop the Web Server & Siebel servers or Mobile Web/Dedicated Client. 2.     Make a backup of <Siebel_Root>siebsrvrWEBMASTERimages directory. 3.     Download file…