Siebel Interview Questions: Basic User Property Questions

These are very basic questions which you must encounter some day. So, be prepared..

How to make records read only based on Users’ Responsibility ??


Create a Calculated Field with following details:
Name: Val
Calculated Value: IIf(InList(“Junior Sales Representatives”,GetProfileAttrAsList(“User Responsibilities”))).

Inlist functions returns Y or N based on the condition evaluated in the expression.

Add the above calc field to the BC user property 
Name:BC Read Only Field


How to make records read only based on user Logged in ?


Use a Calculated Field with below details:
Name: 'Read Only Flag'
Value: 'IIf ([Owner] = LoginName(),"N","Y")'

Then, in the Business Component User Property Section, create a User Property with below details:
Name: 'BC Read Only Field'
Value:'Read Only Flag'

This calculation will drive the record to be read only based on the expression above.

How to make a single BC Field editable while rest all fields are already in read only mode using  BC read only Field user Property ??


Once a user property has been set on a BC, you can only set the values by over riding it using "Admin Mode".
First Admin Mode is set to True and set field values are done and then this flag is set to False using escript.


Next question is the best answer for this question.. 😛

How to make few fields editable always in all cases view ??

You can use the User property "Always Enable Field". But remember, this works only on Service Request BC.

How to Make a Record Read Only Based On Another Field of the Same Record ??

Don’t get confused… you already know its answer 🙂 🙂

How to make same applet read only in a view and editable in another one ?

Suppose I want to Contact List Applet to be in ReadOnly mode in “My Contacts” view while should be editable in “All Contacts” view.

To achieve this, will use Aspect User Property

Step 1: Create a Calculated Field (Specify your criteria) in the BC of the Target View
Step 2: Add the following BC User Prop

Name: Aspect BC ReadOnly: <IDENTIFIER>
Value: Calculated Field Name (Created in Step 1)

Step 3: Add the following User Prop at Applet Level

Applet User Prop
Name: "View Aspect: <View Name>"

Note: The aspect user properties are restricted to business component classes based on CSSBCBase.


How to hide an applet if it contains no data ??

The NoDataHide applet user property hides the applet if it contains no data.

How to make a field uppercase on UI each time its written or visible in applets ?

Go to Business Component -> Fields 

select your field and set below property

Name:'Force Case'



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