How to open BI Publisher reports inside Siebel using Symbolic Urls


Open BI Publisher reports inside Siebel applets.

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We can achieve this using Symbolic URLs in Siebel. We have to follow below steps:

  • Add host entry in Host Administration
  • Configure Symbolic URL

Host entry in Host Administration
–    Navigate to the Administration – Integration screen, then the Host Administration view.

  •  Add a new record with the following values:


Name Virtual Name
host:port biphost


Configure Symbolic URL

Navigate to the Administration – Integration screen, then the Symbolic URL Administration view. Add a new record with the following values:



Name URL Host Name Fixup Name SSO Disposition
BIPSampleReport http://biphost/xmlpserver/Sample Reports/Sample.xdo host:port Default IFRAME


Where host:port is the Oracle BI Publisher host address you choose from the pick list. And mention your report URLs here.

Symbolic URL Arguments should be defined as follows:

Name Required Argument Type Argument Value
PreloadUrlPerSession Y Command True
anyname Y Command PostRequest
uid Y Field BIPUser
passwd Y Field BIPPassword
_xuil Y Field BIPLanguage
pgheader Y Constant hide



Add Parameter pgheader

Symbolic URL Arguments


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