Configure Web Surveys and get response in Siebel

Web Survey Deamon Installation and Configuration


Recently I got a chance to work on Siebel Marketing module and do a small poc on Web Surveys and saved its responses back to Siebel. Although its a common topic for developers who have experience in Siebel Marketing. But I find its really complex and worth sharing it with you guys..


1.) Customize and create surveys in Siebel
2.) After submitting, we can see responses in Siebel
3.) Send Survey URLs in email and tracks its click as well

Pre – Requisites:

1.) Siebel 16 Server (Doing this POC on 16, there are known issues with below versions. So, please do your research on Oracle support.)
2.) Install Java Development Kit 1.6 32 bit(lastest patch)

3.) Check if JRE 1.6 has also been installed. If not, then install it so that the Installation Wizard does not hang:
4.) And of course admin rightd on the server machine


Step 1: WSD (Web Server Deomon) Installation

Step 2: Test Installation

Step 3: WSD Configuration

Step 4: Enable Marketing Components & Workflows

Step 5: Configure Web Surveys

Step 6: Test Web Surveys

Step 7 : Check Responses in Siebel

Possible Issues

WSD Installation:

Its all start with Web Server Deomon installation, a java application which install Tomcat Server on top of which Survey URL works..

  • Download WSD Installables
    – It comes with Siebel Marketing Server installables.
    – Else you can find here as a patch, go to Oracle Support > patches & updates and locate Patch Number: 24363906
  • Make sure that JDK 1.6 & JRE 1.6 installed correctly else installable hangs out
  • Now, go to the location where you unzipped WSD installer.
  • Right-click in the wsd-8112-632-install.exe file and select Properties
  • In the “Compatibility” tab, check mark “Run this program in compatibility mode for” and select: Windows XP (Service Pack 2)

  • Run the installer now – wsd-8112-632-install.exe
  • In the Java selection window, ensure you select the java.exe from Java Development Kit 1.6 you installed in step 4 above.
  • e.g: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin\java.exe
  • Continue until it completes.

Test Installation

  • Folder Structure should be like this

  • Hit the URL – and observe the apache tomcat server page is displayed.

WSD Configuration

  • Create WSD User in Database and give privileges to create tables.
  • Execute the Sql Statement in WSD Folder.
  • Go to C:/Program Files/wsd/sql
  • Login as WSD User in oracle and run the communicatorOracle10g.sql.
  • go to C:\Program Files (x86)\wsd\webapps\websurveys\config and edit file
#Populate both, survey.baseURL & survey.baseURL.SSL based on the machine where the WSD is installed

# db.driver =

# db.WEBSURVEY.url = jdbc:sebl:oracle://machine_name:1521;ServiceName=(get it from TNS file)

# JDBC URL to be used as jdbc:sebl:oracle://:;ServiceName=

# db.WEBSURVEY.user = (User created in last step)

# db.WEBSURVEY.password = a05/ywVOAZXa6mSPNy8YLCs/S8qIUMaivZs34aun+imOnE4=
 - this is the encrypted password, encryption to be achieved by running the OccamCrypto.jar command below
   java -cp "C:\Program Files (x86)\wsd\webapps\websurveys\WEB-INF\lib\occam-crypto.jar" encrypt

# SIEBEL_URL=http://machine_name/EAIObjMgr_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=WebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute&WSSOAP=1
  - Pick up this URL from Siebel Administration - Web services screen - Inbound Web Services view where Name = Response
  - Modify the URL for this inbound web service if required. Append &WSSOAP=1 for the URL to work, also connect to the custom EAI object manager
 - Use Credentials being used for existing integrations


Find more help here:


Configure the Siebel Outbound web service

    • Navigate to Administration – Web services -> Outbound Web services screen.
    • Query for Name = WebSurveyWebService & Update the URL


Enable Marketing Server Components & Workflows

  • Navigate to Administration – Server Configuration screen > Enterprises > Component Groups view.
  • Enable below groups on your server
  •       CommMgmt, MktgOM, MktgSrv
  • Click the Synchronize view tab and click Synchronize.
  • go to Business Process -> Workflow Deployment and query for Group = Marketing
  • Select all and activate

Wait for more…..

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