Well we got many ways to interact with user from Browser Script or using OpenUI PM/PR files. But what if we are restricted to use any of these and we need this interaction from Server end only.
And yes we have very limited options and that too.. well hidden Vanilla Business Services, although you can find few articles on web posted by good Siebel netizens 🙂 🙂
Business Service: LS Pharma Signature UI Service
Method Name: ShowConfirmDialog
Confirm Text = "Text to display on Popup" || Required OK Method Name = "Method to invoke on OK Button" || Optional Cancel Method Name = "Method to invoke on Cancel Button" || Optional
Business Service: LS SubjectVisits Service
Method Name: ShowConfirmationDlg
Lets talk about ways of calling Pharma Business Service:
On Button Click
1.) Create User Property on Business Component
Name: Named Method 10 Value: "MethodName", "INVOKESVC", "BC Name", "LS Pharma Signature UI Service", "ShowConfirmDialog", "'Cancel Method Name'", "''", "'Confirm Text'", "'Do you want to Cancel?'", "'OK Method Name'", "''"
2.) Add a button on Applet and invoke Named Method
Runtime Events
Sorry, you can’t call this BS from Runtime Event. But of course, nobody can stop you from trying..
Business Component Server Script
Nopes you can’t call from any event in BC server script, try it out and let me know..
Business Service
I haven’t tried this but yes we can call from a separate BS.
Applet Server Script
We can call this BS from any event on applet script.
var BS = TheApplication().GetService("LS Pharma Signature UI Service"); var Inputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet(); var Outputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet(); Inputs.SetProperty("Confirm Text","Do you want to Cancel?"); Inputs.SetProperty("OK Method Name",""); Inputs.SetProperty("Cancel Method Name",""); oBSvc.InvokeMethod("ShowConfirmDialog" , Inputs , Outputs);
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