Issue#6 White Screen Appearing after login in Siebel Thin Client
OS:Solaris Sparc 11
Siebel Version: 16
- In thin client, we are able to get the login page but application fails to load and blank screen appears.
- Able to connect to server manager and components are online.
- In console we can see below error message
I had mentioned port 8080 in webserver while port 80 eapps.cfg.
- Edit eapps.cfg and modify HTTPPort = 8080
- Restart webserver
- Url will be like http://server:8080/
- change port in iPlanet Web server instance to 80
- restart webserver
- because everybody wants clean url not like above http://server:80/
But restart webserver will fail this time with below error message:
HTTP3127: http-listener-1: http://server:80: Error creating socket (No access rights) HTTP3094: 1 listen sockets could not be created
On Unix and Linux systems,a non-root user prevented from binding to or listening on low-numbered privileged ports (<1024). So if the web server is configured to listen on port 80 and you login as non-root user , the attempt of starting up the web server will fail.
We have to allow a non-root user to use port numbers lower than 1024, by adding the net_privaddr privilege to the user. The net_privaddr privilege allows a process to bind to a privileged port number (1-1023).
usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,net_privaddr sadmin
Restart Web Server to take effect of above changes.
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