In Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, we got better options in Siebel search. Go and explore by yourselves, it will be fuun..
Type in your keyword to get all Objects (enabled in Tools) to search in
You can configure third party search engines for your search. And this will search your keyword across all configured search engines and show all results in one place.
You can drilldown on desired result and navigate to detail view.
Click on Seach Textbox to see your last 5 search keywords and you also have “Refresh” icon to forgot these keywords.
Detachable search result pane which can be fixed inside Siebel view (left or right) else move it to top of application to work without any distractions… 🙂
Siebel Search supports the following search engine options:
Siebel Find. This is the default search engine setup which is available by default in Siebel Search.
Third-Party Search Engine Integration. Siebel Search supports the integration of third-party search engines. You must write your own search adapter to enable third-party search engines, and then configure Siebel to use the third-party search engine.
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Engine Integration. Siebel Search supports the integration of Oracle Secure Enterprise Search. You must configure Oracle Secure Enterprise Search for Siebel Search (it is not available by default).
To configure Siebel Find for the Search Results view
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