How the Workflow Monitor Agent Runs Workflow Policies ?

Workflow policy conditions can monitor changes in the Siebel application database tables or columns. If the conditions are met, the specified workflow policy action will be executed. Workflow policy violations are monitored by the Workflow Monitor Agent server task and its parameter values. Depending on the value of the Action Interval parameter for Workflow Monitor Agent, the action is taken.

Following tables are involved: S_ESCL_REQ, S_ESCL_LOG, and S_ESCL_STATE


Escalation request. Contains the potential matching requests that an application causes.


Escalation state. Contains the policy matches that describe time.


Escalation action request. Contains the requests to run actions, which Siebel CRM uses only if Use Action Agent is TRUE.


Escalation log. Contains a history of rows in the base table that contains matched policies

Workflow policy without duration value

  • When the workflow policy columns are violated, a new row gets inserted into S_ESCL_REQ table.
  • Workflow monitor agent verifies the record in S_ESCL_REQ table and compares if the violated record matches the policy condition.
  • If the condition is met, then ‘workflow monitor agent’ checks in S_ESCL_LOG table if this row already had been violated by the policy during the action interval period.
  • If the record had not been in prior violation, and if (Duration = Null And Use Action Agent = False), then the Workflow Monitor Agent invokes the policy action.
  • If the Action Agent parameter is True, then Workflow Monitor Agent creates requests for the Workflow Action Agent in the S_ESCL_ACTN_REQ table.
  • Once the action is performed, the Workflow Monitor Agent logs the information into S_ESCL_LOG table that the row had been violated by the policy.
  • Finally, ‘workflow monitor agent’ deletes the row from S_ESCL_REQ table.

Workflow policy with duration value specified

  • If duration is specified in the policy, Workflow Monitor Agent inserts a new record into the S_ESCL_STATE table and removes the row from S_ESCL_REQ table.
  • Depending on the sleep time parameter, Workflow Monitor Agent wakes up and verifies the S_ESCL_STATE table to check whether the row had reached its expiration time in the END_TM column.
  • Once the record completes the duration period, Workflow Monitor Agent verifies if the record is still in violation and removes the row from the S_ESCL_STATE table.

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