Export Siebel schema from database server using command line

While migration, we usually requires to export the Siebel data base dump from one environment and import the same into another environment. of course, we are talking about Oracle database. Well Siebel never allowed such DB level interaction, so we have to do it using Oracle export/import utility (i.e. imp/exp or data pump utility).If you wanna go further on this, follow this Link

In this post, we will take export of Siebel database dump from one DB server and then import this dump file in another DB server. Lets start step by step…..

Open Unix/command line box and login to SQLPlus using a valid DB user with all required access

Create a export backup directory

create or replace directory exp_dmp as '/root/expdp';

 Create a user for expdp and impdp with proper privileges

CREATE USER expimp IDENTIFIED BY expimp default tablespace users;

Assing the proper privileges

GRANT exp_full_database to expimp;
GRANT imp_full_database to expimp;

Assign the tablespace quota to user

alter user expimp quota unlimited on USERS

Finally, gave the R/W privs on expdp directory created earlier


Export Command

expdp expimp/<pwd> directory=exp_dmp owner=<schemaname> dumpfile=schema_expdp.dmp logfile=schema_expdp.log rows=y consistent=y feedback=1000

And to get full database dump

expdp expimp/<pwd> directory=exp_dmp dumpfile=schema_expdp.dmp logfile=schema_expdp.log full=y

Else we can use original export command also

exp expimp/password@hoststring file=filename.dmp log=filename.log full=y

This will create a exp dump file with all the objects owned by given schema.

Import database dump file in Siebel database

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