ADM Limitation Issue:
The following error displays when exporting a file with more than 10,000 records for ADM:
Method ‘NextRecord’ of business component ‘Feature Access’ (integration component ‘Feature
Access’) returned the following error:
“There were more rows than could be returned. Please refine your query to bring back fewer
rows (SBL-DAT-00500) (SBL-EAI-04376)
Specify a search specification (filter) such as “[Name] NOT LIKE ‘A*'” to reduce the number of records returned to
less than 10,000.
If you are not in a production environment and would like to bypass the 10K limit, it is possible to do so by changing
the “DSMaxFetchArraySize” parameter.
Caution: There is the potential for large memory usage of the Siebel server component when this parameter is
changed. Change this at your own risk.
To bypass the default 10,000 limit, set the value for the parameter “DSMaxFetchArraySize” under the
“InfraDatasources” named sub-system.
Work Around:
The “DSMaxFetchArraySize” parameter is not visible in GUI by default. The parameter can be displayed as an
advanced parameter:
To display the current value of DSMaxFetchArraySize in the User Interface:
- Navigation: Site Map > Administration – Server Configuration > Enterprises > Profile Configuration.
- Query for Profile=Server Datasource or Alias=ServerDataSrc.
- In the Profile Parameters view, select the “Advanced” tab.
- In the Alias Field, Query for Profile Parameters=*Max
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