In my last post, I had explained OOPs concept in Javascript. Now, I will pick one sample PR file of Siebel Open UI and try to explain its relevance with Object Oriented Programming.
Please check my last post first to understand this one better.
In this post, below are the well defined snapshots of a sample PR with all its Class, Objects, Methods definitions.
Snap 1: First Line
Snap 2: Class Definition
Snap 3: Class Initilization
Snap 4: Constructor
Snap 5: Method Definition
It simply means extend some other class and use its methods directly in our new class. In above snap, we can see that we are extending JQGridRenderer class and using its method like ShowUI, BindData.
In line 39#, we are calling superclass method ShowUI. You can find this method in jqgridrenderer file.
Similarly, we can call other methods like
This method defined in jqgridrenderer which gives grid object.
Hope its a good information for all. You can ask your questions below in below comment section.
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