How to integrate Bootstrap in Siebel ?

I know you guys are eagerly waiting for this post, finally its here !!!

Again this post talks only about Siebel Open UI (8.1.11.x) .

Integrating Bootstrap is same as of integrating any jQuery plugin in siebel. So, if you have already done such integration, then it will be lot easier for you.

In my last post, we disscused about files we get while downloading Bootstrap. Now, like any other plugin we need to include required files in our siebel.
Here, only two files are required at first else you need to include as per new features you want to add.

  1. Bootstrap.min.js
  2. Bootstrap.min.css

Always try to use minified versions for any 3rd party plugin. Let’s start step by step…

Download Bootstrap

You can use this link to download minimum set of files we require.

Include in 3rd Party

There should be some place where you can place plugin files and tell Siebel to use it. So, this is the place..

Path:  ..\8.1\Client_1\PUBLIC\enu\BUILD NUMBER\SCRIPTS\3rdParty

Place Bootstrap folder here, only two files are required.

Register JS file

To tell Siebel about our new files, we have to register css and JS separately.
If you remember, in PM/PR file we can define all dependent files which we want to get downloaded with it.

define(“siebel/custom/yourpr”, [“siebel/phyrenderer,3rdparty/foldername/filename”], function(){

Above line says everything, still not getting ??

please read this first…

Register CSS file

Before proceeding further, please read this post. You must be aware about theme.js file.
Well, its a generic JS file which decide theme of application. Tells Siebel what CSS files needs to be downloaded at the time of application load.
You can find it here..

..\8.1\Client_1\PUBLIC\enu\BUILD NUMBER\SCRIPTS\siebel\theme.js

Hope this will help someone in need. Feel free to ask your questions below.



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