Authorize your connection with LinkedIn using your App

This post is in continuation of my last Siebel Open UI example to integrate LinkedIn in Siebel Open UI, please refer this first.

Lets start with actual PM-PR coding, till now we have created our app on LinkedIn to connect with. Now from Presentation Model we need to call AUTH API of LinkedIn to authorize our access by using our Secret Key and API Key created in last step.

Just visit LinkedIn, you will find multiple API’s ready to use. In this example, we are using below two API’s to connect and search connections…

LinkedIn Auth API

LinkedIn People Search API


I will trying to explain this by one sample PM-PR.Here is my Auth function defined in PM file to authorize my access using my app credentials…



In LinkedIn documents, you can easily understand how to use their apis’. This method will ask for User login to authorize first, then gives  access to play with its data.

Line#50: mention your api key

Line#54 & 58: If authorization becomes true, call our custom method to search connections on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Search function, will explain in my next post…

Hope it will help someone in need.



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