Radio Button Bug in Siebel
Problem Summary
Radio Button not showing its actual value while record navigation in form applet in Siebel (Open UI). Its working fine in HI mode.
Problem Description
When we navigate through records in form applet, radio button control changes as it should in forward navigation while when we navigate back from last record it shows only the last record value. That means its value not changing.
Suppose we have 5 records in a form applet. When we navigate from 5-1, radio button control showing the 5th record value for other record also.
Below are the navigation screen shots:
Forward navigation 1
Forward navigation 2
In above navigation from 5th – 6th record, Radion Button value change from “Dr. to Prof.”
Backward navigation 1
Backward navigation 2
In above screens, we can see that value “Prof” is not changing while navigate through 6th -5th record.
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