Siebel fields validation through HTML Attributes

With Siebel Open UI upgrade, we have a lot of flexibility to use javascript codes in PM-PR files or use a 3rd party for fields validations. But how we put javascript codes in Siebel lower versions…

Suppose we need to validate an input element in form applet. We can do so by inserting JavaScript event in   HTML Attributes property of a Control objects.

For example, I recently implemented a query applet with a field validation on the Social Security Number control. To do so, I updated the HTML Attributes property of the control to

onkeyUp=”if(/[^0-9-]/.test(this.value) ){ alert(‘The Social Security Number field accepts only numeric data.’); this.value=”;}”

The above validation intercepts the onkeyUp event of the input element, and uses a regular expression test to detect if the key pressed was any other besides a number or a hyphen. If an errant character is found, the applet displays a message and clears the control. This validation occurs entirely on the browser, but without adding any browser scripts to the applet.

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